Featured Projects

One off Home, Derbyshire

This is a 1:100 scale model of a soon to be built home for a private client in rural Derbyshire. This stylish and modern home is set in a secluded location within the Peak District. The materials on this model have been used to achieve soft and natural colours to reflect the environment. This type of model is suitable for new and existing projects with a particular focus on the design of the building and its immediate context. This scale allows for a very good level of detail both internally and on externals details.


Rural Home, Lincolnshire

This is a 1:200 scale model of a soon to be built home designed by an award winning Lincolnshire Architecture Practice whilst working with them. This impressive and modern home is set in a secluded and remote rural location. The materials on this model have been used to achieve soft and natural colours to reflect the environment. This type of model is suitable for new and existing projects with a particular focus on the design of the building and its immediate context. This scale allows for a very good level of detail in the surrounding area with greenery and picket fences.


New Office Development, Lincolnshire

This is a 1:500 scale model of a new office development designed by an award winning Lincolnshire Architecture Practice whilst working with them. The importance of this model was to show the relationship with the surrounding area. A model of this scale shows a project within a large surrounding area and is suitable for small or large projects with context in mind. This model makes extensive use of our 3D printing facilities, with all surrounding buildings individually modelled and printed just for this project.